Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Slice of Life - Day 14 - School Shootings

Today we mourn the victims of Mount Stoman Douglas High School. On this exact day one month ago, tragedy stuck when a former student of Stoman Douglas opened fired with his assault and rifle. Within minutes, he killed 17 students and staff an wounded others. Not only did he cause physical pain but mental pain as well. Today while we honor the victims of Stoman Douglas, there is a bigger cause for today. Today almost every school in America staged some sort of protest whether it was a walkout, a rally, or even just standing in the hallway for 17 minutes in silence. I am so proud and happy that everyone protested because this has to stop. We cannot let children come to school only to fear that they may get shot. It’s time we do something because why should the people of tomorrow pay the price of the people today’s mistakes. I gave this quote today at our rally and I hope that it becomes a trend because it is not only true but it sums up what is happening in a few words. “ We protect our monuments and national documents with the latest technology. We have a small army protecting our government officials and leaders. Yet for most schools, the only thing standing between them and a possible shooter is one or two twenty inch doors. If we want a past and present to protect them we need to start protecting the future”. #Enough

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