Tuesday, May 15, 2018
The Storm of a Century
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Life is Beautiful Movie Review
My class and I just finished probably one of the most powerful, realistic movies of all time. Life is Beautiful is a movie based on the Holocaust and takes you through a young Jewish family troubles throughout the Holocaust. The movie starts out with this man named Guido who is Italian and Jewish. Guido is a librarian in Tuscany, and is trying to open his own book shop. While on this dream achievement, Guido meets a woman named Dora who he ends up falling in love with and marrying. Years later all things turn good for Guido, with him finally owning his own bookstore, and the birth of his new son Giosue. However, even though everything is going good for Guido and his family, things end up going in a new direction. One day, Guido and his son get kidnapped by the Nazis, but now his wife because she wasn’t Jewish. Although, Dora realizes that Guido and her son have been kidnaps by the Nazis and insist on going with them to a concentration camp. The next few days, Guido and his wife are hard at work trying not get killed by the Nazis. This movie was interesting because I’ve seen so many pictures of what the Holocaust was like, but to see what actually happened to most families is unbelievable. This movie shows us a clear representation of what happened during the Holocaust, and what people did to survive. I totally recommend this movie because it’s a little sad, but it’s really interesting because it makes you feel like you were there when the Holocaust was happening.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 31 - Last Blog For a Little While
Wow March 31st! I cannot believe that it’s been a month already. I can’t believe I made it through this writers challenge. Today I’m heading to Cincinnati for a Cubs game which I’m super excited about. I have never been Cincinnati, not even Ohio, so I am waiting to see what the city has for me to explore. For now I have another 3 1/2 hours before we get there. I am so proud of myself for making it through this challenge. It’s one more thing I can cross of my list.
Friday, March 30, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 30 - Clothes
Clothes are important to me, mainly because there a way that people look at you. If you walk down a street and meet someone, the first thing you see is their clothes. I try to look the best I can every time I go out, but sometimes I just put on sweatpants, a shirt and that’s it. Who doesn’t do that? I love to put new things on everyday because it makes me forget about yesterday and I get a fresh start for the day ahead.
Slice of Life - Day 29
Today was a goood day. It was mainly good because finally spring break for me is here. I’m not doing anything special mainly because my parents are working most of the week and no one can take me anywhere. I don’t have a topic to talk about today but check back in tomorrow for another awesome blog.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 28 - Holocaust Musuem
Today me and my fellow classmates went on a field trip to the Illinois Holocaust Museum in Skokie. I have to say I was really surprised not just by the artifacts, but also what happened during the Holocaust itself. I never knew much about it but after today I think I’m well educated. It’s hard to believe that over 7 million innocent Jewish people were killed by Nazis. They were slaughtered in front of there families or forced to take showers, but instead of water, it was poisonous gas coming out. To think that today as well, there are still nazis living, and have the same beliefs as nazis had during the Holocaust. I Dede
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 27
March 27th already, wow. I can’t believe it’s been almost a month already. I’ve been so busy this month with school, and activities, and programs, I haven’t noticed the date. Not much has been happening lately, I’m just waiting for spring break to start in two days! Check my blog tomorrow for another “talk” about a new topic.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 26 - High School
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about High School, mainly because I’m gonna a freshman in less that six months. I recently was accepted into Nazareth Academy which is a catholic high school not to far from my house. Although it’s not about which high school I’m going to, it’s about high school I’m general. I know for sure it’s gonna be different, and I’m still gonna have to work hard, especially if I want to get into a good college. Although I wonder what’s gonna be different. Will there be hours of homework? How competitive are sports teams? What colleges are kids gonna apply too? There are so many questions that are floating through my head. Although I know that I’ll be ready for high school.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 25 - Music
Music is one of my hobbies, comforts, motivations, etc. Music is a big part of my life because it relaxes me. Whenever I have an opportunity to sit down in a chair and listen to music, I take it. Not only do I love to listen to music, but I also love to play it. I’ve been playing the trumpet for three years now and I still love it. With the trumpet, there’s different types of music that you can play like classic, Latino, upbeat, etc. Although one of the main reasons I love music is because it brings people together. Every time I hang out with my friends, we always have music playing in the background and it makes up closer and wanna hang out more. Music is one of my passions and I hope that in the future I can pursue either a hobby or career in music.
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 24 - Partying
I love to party, especially during special occasions. I know I’m a little young to be “partying”, but I still love going to parties and being with my family. Over the past few years, we’ve had small Monday gatherings and then Saturday night loud music type ones. During these parties I hang out with my cousin and get caught up with my family. I cherish these moments I have at these parties because I never know when I’ll see them again. All together, besides the craziness that goes on, I still love to party a lot.
Friday, March 23, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 23 - Family
Family to me is really important. I love my family so much, even though they annoy me a lot. Throughout my entire childhood, my family has been there for me. They’ve always been supportive and helpful in any way they can. Some people say that they hate their families and just want to live on their own already. My advice to those people, cherish your relatives now because they may not be with us forever and you may regret. Family is more than just being related. Schools are families, coworkers are families. The definition of family is the people who are there for you no matter what.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 22 - Being Nervous
Sometimes I hate being nervous but I know it’s ok because we all get nervous at some point. I bring this up in my post for today because today I was really nervous. I had an interview with a program called “Best of Berwyn. It’s a program that’s run by the city of Berwyn. I’ve done interviews before with private schools, administrators, etc. Although there was something about this interview that made me really nervous. I don’t know if it was because I was on camera, or if it’s because there was more than one person asking me questions. It was so tense, and I was so nervous. I knew it was ok though because believe me, everyone else that was getting interviewed, wasn’t anymore relaxed than I was. This type of stuff never get’s any easier.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 21 - Chicago
To me Chicago isn’t just a home, it’s a amazing lifetime experience. I don’t technically live in Chicago, I live in the suburbs. Although I’ve been to Chicago hundreds and hundreds of times and believe me there is still stuff I haven’t even seen yet. Some tips if you ever visit Chicago. First, some tourist attractions you have to visit are: Sears Tower, John Hancock Center, Navy Pier, Wrigley Field, Lake Michigan, Grant Park, Chicago Theater, I could go in for days. Second, if your in Chicago you have to eat Chicago food, not fast food that you get in and other state. You need to get Deep Dish Pizza, Chicago Hot Dog, Italian Beef, and like again I could go on for days. I’m telling you, Chicago is on of the best places to visit in the world.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 20 - Being Sick
Being sick sucks for me. For some reason every time I get sick, I get really sick. My nose is runny, my throat is sore, I’m shaking because I think it’s cold outside but it’s really 50 degrees. Although I found some tricks that work in half a day to a full day. Almost every time I do these things, the next day I’m good to go. First off, if you have a sore throat, the biggest thing is fluids, especially hot fluids. I find that fresh hot Chinese soup really works. The soup I have is chicken and rice with a little lime, and it works in an instant. Second, make sure to drink a lot of hot tea. The tea helps your throat not hurt anymore. Finally if your going to bed and need to be ready the next day, do this. Take a nice hot shower to get rid of all the filth, then take a cup of niquil, or any medicine you have. Go to sleep a little bit earlier and then in the morning you’ll feel better. Being sick sucks for all of us, but follow these steps and you’ll feel better than you were before you did these steps.
Monday, March 19, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 19 - Movie Talk
Movies to me are one of my hobbies. I love watching different different movies any time I can, and I especially love to watch sci-fi, comedy, and action. The thing I love about movies is that sometimes it makes you think about real life scenarios. It’s the real life movies that make you think about what can happen. My favorite movie is Patriots Day. It’s a real life movie about the 2013 marathon Boston bombings. I love it so much because the movie makes you feel like your there in Boston, during the bombings. I highly recommend it because it shows different footage and secrets that I never knew about the bombers. Movies are my favorite, and on a cold day outside, I just stay inside, grave some snacks, and watch as many movies as I can.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 18
Today for me was a pretty relaxing day overall for me. Like most weekends I pretty much did nothing but sit inside, lay on my couch and watch tv. That’s what I like about the weekends, you get to pretty much do whatever you want. You can’t stay up late, watch tv all day and don’t care. It’s like two whole days we’re your free. I’m ready for this week and what’s coming my way.
All I can say after this book, is I want to become a Paperboy myself. Paperboy is about kid who actually never reveals his name throughout the book. This kid isn’t a popular boy but he is known around the neighborhood. He can throw a baseball like no one else can, but that’s pretty much all he is known for. One day, one of the kid’s friends says that he is going to visit his grandparents and needs someone to cover his paper route while he’s gone. One major factor about the kid is that he stutters, a lot. Throughout the whole book he stutters everything he says. You can obviously see he’s no a people person, but in the book that changes. Since the kid’s friend is gonna be gone for over a week, he needs to go to every house that he delivers papers too and collect the weekly money for the part. Throughout the whole book he meets people who teach him valuable lessons, share some happy yet serious stories. I definitely recommend the book and hope you read it.
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 17
March 17 already, wow. I can’t believe that it’s been half a month already. Only two more weeks until spring break for me and my friends. I don’t know if I’ll do anything for spring break. We only have one week off which seems like a lot, but really isn’t. I couldn’t really think of anything to write about today. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll have another great blog to write.
Friday, March 16, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 16 - Outdoors Disussion o
Ah the great outdoors. You know what’s so special about it is that you can do whatever you want outside. You can sit in a chair next to the lake reading a book, or play basketball in a concrete playground with a rim that looks like it has been there for 100 years. Anytime I can go camping or even just go to the lake and relax it is so peaceful. As I mentioned in my other blogs, I love to travel and believe me, the east coast has some of the best beaches in the world. I even learned how to surf or at least tried too. If your not an outdoor person it’s fine, but if you wanna experience great outdoors, go to Michigan or the east coast.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 15 - Dogs
Dogs, one of the best animals and pets anyone can have in the world. Of course I myself have a rare breed dog which is a Havenese. The amazing thing about dogs is that their capable of doing somethings that humans can not accomplish. I researched about dogs when I got mine and realized they pretty much act like us, literally. Most dogs do what their owners tell them to do or copy their motions. If the owner is just sitting on the couch watching tv, then that’s most likely what the dog is going to do. Although if the owner is up full of energy and joy, then the dog starts to pick up on that. Dogs are some of the most fascinating creatures that humans have ever known. Plus most times, there the cutest thing in the world.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 14 - School Shootings
Today we mourn the victims of Mount Stoman Douglas High School. On this exact day one month ago, tragedy stuck when a former student of Stoman Douglas opened fired with his assault and rifle. Within minutes, he killed 17 students and staff an wounded others. Not only did he cause physical pain but mental pain as well. Today while we honor the victims of Stoman Douglas, there is a bigger cause for today. Today almost every school in America staged some sort of protest whether it was a walkout, a rally, or even just standing in the hallway for 17 minutes in silence. I am so proud and happy that everyone protested because this has to stop. We cannot let children come to school only to fear that they may get shot. It’s time we do something because why should the people of tomorrow pay the price of the people today’s mistakes. I gave this quote today at our rally and I hope that it becomes a trend because it is not only true but it sums up what is happening in a few words. “ We protect our monuments and national documents with the latest technology. We have a small army protecting our government officials and leaders. Yet for most schools, the only thing standing between them and a possible shooter is one or two twenty inch doors. If we want a past and present to protect them we need to start protecting the future”. #Enough
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 13 - Travel Talk
I absolutely love to travel. Anytime that I can get in a car or plane and go see something that I’ve never seen before is a dream come true. Almost every year I’ve taken a trip somewhere, and most of my trips have been near the east coast because my brother went to High School there. I’ve been to the entire upper east coast including New York and Massachusetts, and I’ve been to Virginia, North Carolina which hands down is the best place to hike. Of course I’ve been to the Midwest like Missouri, Wisconsin, Michigan, etc. Whenever I travel I do my best to meet the locals, eat some food, and just explore the sights and sounds of new things. If you ever get a chance to travel, I’d recommend North Carolina or New Hampshire.
Monday, March 12, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 12 - Baseball Talk
Baseball is one of my favorite sports. What’s so special and fun about it is that anyone could play and you can have as many people as you want to play. Baseball was the first sport I ever played and honestly, I wasn’t too good at first. Over time, I played more, watched game film and now I’m decent. I know that baseball won’t be my future, but it’s a nice hobby or thing to do on the side. Baseball during the summer is my life.
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 11
Sunday, yes!! The most relaxing day of the week. For me it was a busy day and ending to not such a good weekend. Other than me getting rejected from some of the schools I applied too, nothing really happened for me. I mostly just stayed in my house, watch tv, and hang out with my brother. This week we start PARCC testing and I’m not excited about it because for 6 day’s were gonna be in a room starring at our iPads. I’m just hoping that I do good and the week will fly by.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 10
Saturday, one of the best days of the week, or at least not this week. I heard back from three of the schools I applied too and all three rejected me, which means I have two left. I know that at this age, private school isn’t a big thing to all kids, but it’s a big thing to me. I’ve always thought that with my maturity, and hard work level, I would be great for private school. I’m just hoping that one of them accepts me. Other than the rejection of the day, nothing really happened. Tomorrow is Sunday and I’m just hoping to relax because I have a full week next week and I’m not ready for it.
Friday, March 9, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 9
Today overall wasn’t a good day. The only good part was that I left school early, but other than that, nothing really happened. Unfortunately one of the schools I applied rejected me. I’m still waiting from other schools, but I’m still pretty bummed out that I didn’t get in. Hopefully tomorrow will be a new day and a fresh start.
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 8
March 8th already, man March is speeding by. Thank god tomorrow is Friday, and then the weekend. Just like every other weekend, I’m just gonna kick back and relax. Hopefully I get no homework so I can just enjoy my weekend. I have no idea if I have any plans, but if I do, I’ll just have to deal with it. Only one more day until two days off!
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 7-Picture Day
Today was Pictues day, but only for 8th graders. We took our graduation pictures which a lot of people were excited for. We all dressed up nice, then once they took our pictures, most of us changed clothes. The whole day was exciting because not only were we taking our pictures, but we were also one step closer to graduating. We know that this was the beginning of our 8th grade year countdown, and most of us are pretty siked to be graduating middle school. Only two more months until we graduate.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 6
Today I went back to school after a long weekend, and let me tell you that it was one of the longest days of my life. For some reason even if it’s just one day off, the next day that I have school is long. Believe after break, no one if awake. But at least I survived, and just hoping that tomorrow is gonna be a fresh start.
Monday, March 5, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 5
March 5th already! Wow it seems like yesterday it was only March 4th. Today was a pretty relaxing day. Luckily I had no school so I just kicked back and enjoyed my day off because honestly I had nothing better to do. I’m hoping this week I will hear back from some private schools I applied too, but until then all I can do is wait.
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 4
Sunday, Yes! It’s the best day of the week. It’s pretty much the only day of the week I can wake up after 10:00 am. I still have that question from my Day 3 blog but I was too lazy to do anything today. It’s was a pretty normal day. I just hung out with my brother, and played video games all day. It’s probably the laziest day I’ve had since winter break which by the way, was the best two weeks of the year for me. The one thing that I thought was gonna be big but wasn’t was the Oscars. I only watched about and hour and was not amused like in years past but oh well. Hopefully tomorrow something will happen.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 3
Saturday, the day before Sunday. Today was a pretty chill day, and hopefully tomorrow it will be the same like I hoped for in my last blog post. A thought came to me today which was, how come Saturday and Sunday are the weekend? Why those days? How come it’s not Tuesday and Wednesday or Thursday and Friday? Is it because it’s the only two days in a row with an S beginning both words? It got me thinking. I should probably do research on it, it would be really interesting to know why Saturday and Sunday are the weekend days.
Friday, March 2, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 2
Day two of March! Today was a pretty good day all together. My brother came home from college for spring break. I’m glad he’s back because I haven’t seen him for almost two months. Thank god I have a three day weekend. Hopefully it’s gonna be a nice relaxing weekend because I’m gonna have a long week ahead.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Slice of Life - Day 1
Wow March 1st already! I cannot believe it’s been 2 months of 2018. Today was a pretty good day. Mainly because I made the Volleyball team! I was so excited that I made the team. My heart raced as I looked at the list next to the gym. I was on the team last year and grateful I made the team this year. I look forward to having a great season. Today was a good day to kick off the month of March. Let’s see what happens tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Dream Soul
Dream Soul written by Laurence Yep, is an amazing book. It’s filled with hopeful, scary, tense moments. The books starts out with a girl named Joan, and her two siblings, Bobby and Emily. Throughout the whole book, all that the three children want to do is celebrate Christmas. Joan and her family are Chinese, and they just moved to West Virginia. They make a deal that no matter what, they will do whatever they can to make sure they celebrate Christmas. They help their father out with chores, and listen to his stories that are not interesting. They do there homework, and try not to get in trouble at school. The three kids squeeze every last drop of kindness and hardworking out of them. Will they get the Christmas they wanted, read the book to find out. 
Thursday, January 18, 2018
One Word for One Year
Positive- that is a word that I chose for 2018. I chose this word because it’s something I want to work on in the year. Over the last few years, I’ve shown a lot of negative energy, and not really been open to trying new things. I know that in life, people who are positive and use criticism as encouragement make it farther in life. In school, if I get a bad grade, I should be POSITIVE and use it to make sure I get better grades next time. If I had a bad morning at home, I should just forget about it, and continue with my day. I know that in 2018, my whole year will be revolved around this word, no matter what.
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