Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Outsiders Book to Movie Comparison

The Outsiders book and movie have many similarities and differences. Even though the book and movie are not perfectly similar, they still have a lot in common. Both the book and movie display the same main scenes, including the rumble scene, the burning church, and the Johnny and Dally death scenes. Also, the characters descriptions in the book match the movie descriptions even when Johnny and Ponyboy cut their hair and when Johnny was in the hospital. The book and the movie are not perfectly the same, but they do share the same scenes, character details, etc.

However, even though the book and movie have a lot in common, there’s also a lot that they're not common with. The book kind of explains the scenes and set the tone of the chapter, while the movie kind of rush's most scenes like the drive in scene, and the rumble scene. Also, in the scene we’re Darry is supposed to slap Ponyboy like the book says, but in the movie, Darry pushes him before Ponyboy runs away. The movie characters also didn’t really look strong and muscular as the book made them. One last thing that is different is the setting of the tone. The book gives really descriptive detail which makes it interesting, while the music in the movie makes it draw dropping. The book and movie are not the same at all, there are a lot of differences between the book and the movie.

Even though the book and the movie were not the same, I still enjoyed reading and watching the Outsiders very much. The whole book had a lot of turning points especially with Ponyboy and Johnny. The description of words in the book, and the surprising scenes and background music made the two stories jaw dropping. The different views of greaser from both the movie and novel writers was a little bit different but still mostly the same. Overall it was a great book and I’m glad we started it.

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